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viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Justn Bieber

Resultado de imagen de justinbieberThis young boy its called Justin Bieber is one of the famouest singers in all the world, he normaly sing pop music or dance music.
He was born the 1 of  March of 1994 he was on her birthday recently.
Now he is 22, he born in Canada (London)
HISTORY:After a talent manager discovered him through his Youtube videos covering songs in 2007 Bieber released his debut , My World, in late 2009. It was certified platinum in the U.S and Justibn started to get more and more famous.He became the first artist to have seven songs from a debut record chart on the Billboard Hot 100 His fourth studio album Purpose was released in November 2015. His U.S. album and singles sales total 44.7 million. On December 16, 2015, his sales were estimated at more than 75 million records worldwide

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

                                       Ryan Reynolds

If you don't know Ryan, he is a realy famous actor from Vancouver, Canada. With the age of 39 he has done already 49 movies, a very hard work. In April 14th the movie called Criminal will be released and also the movie called Deadpool this friday in all cinemas.
The pricipal source of films are dedicated for child with films like Greeen lantern, Croods 2, Xmen etc...

This is the real trailer of the film, wich I think that they are going to mix comedy with action. By just seeing the image next , to the left I already now that the movie will be very exciting.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016


Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg This person is known as Barack Obama, he is the current president of the United States of America.

When he finished school he graduated in Columbia's University and in the prestigious school of Law Harvard Law School, where he was a president of the magazine Harvard Law Review.7 Later, worked as community organizer and exercised his career as attorney in civil laws, On February 10, 2007 it announced his candidacy to the presidency of the United States and June 3, 2008 turned into the candidate and finally the 20 of juanary of 2009 he became president.
 On October 9 of the above mentioned year the Nobel Prize on the Peace was granted to him by his efforts

martes, 2 de febrero de 2016

                                                                      WILL SMITH

Will Smith is one of the most famous actors in all movie history. He has done  films like Im legend, Focus, Men in Black and now he is working in Suicide Squad a very good  movie. He was born in Philadelphia,
United States the 25 of september 1968. He has 1 child and 1 doughter that are famous because they also make good movies. His daoughter is called Willow Smih and  his child Jaden Smith. Jaden is famous because his participationin karate Kid and in the movie called After Earth. Willow is famous because she is a singer.
He was nominated to the Gramy 9 times and he won it 5 times. He was also nominated to the Oscars 2 times but unfortunately he didn't won, but we still think he is one of the best actors.

Here is a trailer of the Suicide Squad

viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

                                                                        STEVE JOBS 

Resultado de imagen de steve jobs pelicula

This is the brilliant designer and funder of the famous mark APPLE. His real name is Steve Paul Jobs. He was born in  San Francisco the 24  of february, 1955. 

He founded apple in 1976 with his friend Steve Wozniak in his garage. With the anuncement of apple 2 steve apeared in the cover page of the famous magazine Time. In 1981  he become millionaire. In 1984 he lounched his first pc called Macintosh 128k.

They lounched in 2001 the first ipod and in 2003 they lounched itunes. In 7 years apple sold 10.000 millions of songs, each song had the price of  0.99$. They won millions and millions of dolars.

But unfortunately he died being 56 years old in 2011 because a cancer of pancreas.

martes, 26 de enero de 2016

                                                Usain Bolt

     Usain Bolt is a Jamaican athlete speacialist in speed. He was born in August 21, 1986 and with 29 yeas has achieved Six golden medals, ten world titles and three world records without his two golden medals in the Beijing world cup.One of the things that helps him are his phisic conditions, he measures 1.95m and he weights 94 kg. 
His maximun speed was 44,7 km/h beating the world record of 100 m with the time of 9 seconds and 58 centiseconds
 beating lippincot that had a time of 10 seconds and 6 centiseconds. He is the owner of a headphone brand, a restaurant and  a clothing line. He also owns a mobile app colled bolt. Is necesary to say that usain was a football fan and he had a dream about playing in his favorite team Manchister United.

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

                                              John Cena

       Hello everybody, in this blog we are going to speak about John Cena, he is a United States Of America profesional fighter and since 2001 he works for the WWE. He was born the 23 of april 1977 in West Newbury. With 38 years old he has won 15 times the world championship, 12 times the WWE championsip, 3 times the worlds heavyweight championsips etc.......  
       But in his historial we can find that he isn't just a fighter, he has also been an actor. He has done 5 movies that are: Extreme Pursuit, 12 Rounds, The Marine, My Life John Cena and Murderes Replacement ( here he appeared as extra).